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New comment Jul 30
How I automate my lead capture
Everyone always asks me how I’m able to bring in $25-50k every Christmas season while working a full time job. This is pretty much how. I don’t have to deal with the time sucking repetitive processes for the dozens and dozens of leads I get. I used to spend my evenings doing all the follow up. 1. Lead Capture: • A potential client visits your website and fills out a contact form requesting a quote for Christmas light installation. 2. Automation Trigger: • The form submission triggers an automated email thanking the lead for their interest and letting them know someone will reach out with a quote soon. • The system assigns the task of creating the quote to your team. 3. Task Assignment: • Once the task is assigned, the estimator receives a notification to create the quote and uploads it into the system. 4. Quote Sent: • Once the quote is completed, an automated email and SMS are sent to the lead with the quote attached. The lead is also sent a link to book an installation date. 5. Follow-up Sequence: • If the lead doesn’t respond within 2 days, a follow-up SMS and email are automatically sent, reminding them about the quote and offering to answer any questions. • After 7 days of no response, a final email is sent, offering a limited-time discount to encourage action. 6. Conversion: • Once the lead books a service, the automation triggers a workflow to schedule the installation, notify the crew, and send a confirmation email with the booking details. • Post-installation, an email is automatically sent requesting a review or testimonial. Here’s an example of how a realtor or any other service business could apply this to their workflow: 1. Lead Capture: • A potential buyer submits an inquiry on your real estate website regarding a home listing they’re interested in. 2. Automation Trigger: • The form submission triggers an automated email thanking the lead for their interest in the property, providing a link to the property details, and setting an expectation that you will contact them soon.
New comment 18h ago
Ai use cases
Curious if anyone here has any solid use cases for integrating ai into their business? For me in construction I’ve used ChatGPT to compare multiple bids and it’s basically instant and has been 100% accurate so far. Saves me a good 20 minutes
Public (investing)?
Hi group! I know NOTHING about investing. I've been talking with some financial advisors but I haven't made a decision yet, other than moving funds into a HY Savings and Checking account. Are any of you familiar with Public?
New comment 2d ago
One of the best books for entrepreneurs is called the "E-myth". The E-Myth, from Michael Gerber’s "The E-Myth Revisited," highlights that many small business owners are skilled technicians, not entrepreneurs. To succeed, owners must shift from doing the work themselves to building systems that allow the business to run independently. Do you want to own a job or a business? I apply his philosophy in my business by automating repetitive tasks, creating systems, and freeing myself from daily operations. This allows me to easily to scale, maintain consistency, and enables me to focus on growth, strategy, and innovation instead of focusing on not falling off the roof. Dm me or comment and I'll send you a free PDF of the "E-myth Revisited".
New comment 2d ago
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