Stoic Brotherhood
Private group
23 members
$5 /month
Ancient Brotherhood™ Network is a place for young men to learn the secrets of ancient self development through philosophies like BioHacking and Stoicism.
BioHacking Benefits: Aesthetic Physique + Sharp & Critical Mind
⚕️-- Build a sharp & adaptable mind (Never need stimulants again) (Learn at quick rates)
⚕️-- Build an Aesthetic Physique without tracking and with only three workouts a week
⚕️-- Build energy of a Gorilla to deploy on your pursuits
Stoicism Benefits:
👽 -- Achieve easy productivity (Beat procrastination & build easy disipline)
👽 -- Resilience against external pressures
👽 -- Unbreakable confidence
This is good if you are where I used to be:
💀 -- Addicted to vices (Weed, Social Media, Fast food.)
💀 -- Can't lose fat/gain muscle (Skinny Fat, Overweight)
💀 -- Constant Procrastination (University, Business, ADHD ETC.)
💀 -- Fluctuating Confidence (Anxious, Bloated, Brain Fog, Low Energy)
In other words this community is the transformation that you just might need.
Stoic Brotherhood
Self Mastery Through Stoicism
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