Hey Scribblers!
Can you believe it? We’ve been crafting the things you love for eight incredible years—that’s practically a lifetime in journal years! But we’re not here to just celebrate. We want to hear from the real heroes—you—about how we can make STM even better.
We’ve put together a super quick survey with just four questions here: https://forms.gle/9tE5MT1Jp9MrKs7k8.
No long essays needed, just your honest thoughts. Your feedback could spark the next big idea in the journaling world. Seriously, no pressure.
Thank you for being such an awesome part of our creative journey. We’re here because of you, and we want to make sure we’re delivering what you need.
Stay creative (and caffeinated),
The STM Team ☕️
P.S. We’re not fishing for compliments (though we wouldn’t mind them!). We genuinely want to hear what you think, so go ahead and spill the ink! 🎨🖋️
Scribbles That Matter
Hey Scribblers!
A place to have deeper conversations with like-minded people via Scribbles That Matter.
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