Daily Tasks!
Today will be a busy day, I would like to welcome to all of the new members of the community, this is something we have started to do a lot around here and that is post our daily tasks! (Feel free to do the same in the comments) Love the community we are building and hoping it will only go up from here!
My Daily Tasks:
-Gym ✅
-3 Reels + 6 Carousels
-Network with contacts on Discord, Instagram, and LinkedIn
-Design a Cohesive Classroom
-Finish Architectural Visualisation for Client
-Finish Case Study on Start-up
-Get to 25-30 Members
-Focus on Improving what we already have
Make sure to post yours in the comments. Let's check in at the end of the day and see what we accomplished!
Hugo Guarch Browne
Daily Tasks!
Stellar Startups
A Community for Entrepreneurs, Builders, Learners, Artists, and Dreamers!
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