Statics everyday⚡️
Private group
118 members
$34 /month
⚡️ Learn skills, strength and flexibility with an approach that gets you strong while preventing and treating injuries. Developed by a physiotherapist.
The course material is growing daily so I severely undersell this-> Join before I increase the price to its actual value of 34$ mid July
You'll get
👨🏼‍⚕️Injury prevention masterclass (Scapula stability, wrist protocol, golfers elbow and much more)
0️⃣Starting Calisthenics from 0
1️⃣Full fledged training plans with rep requirements for basic skills (Muscle up, Handstand)
2️⃣Full fledged training plans with rep requirements for advanced skills (Frontlever, Planche)
3️⃣Full fledged training plans with rep requirements for core skills (Lsit, Pre Vsit, Vsit )
4️⃣Full fledged training plans with rep requirements for flexibility skills (Forward fold, couch stretch)
🎁Bonus-> Learn building your own routines.
With this I've built 2 things I always missed when I started
Access to all the knowledge you need and an active community to keep you accountable
Statics everyday⚡️
The Calisthenics wiki I had always dreamt of when I started.
Likeminded athletes and access to knowledge. Both can be found in here.
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