How to make 10K/M from selling products online.
yoo, it's DiMaggio. The ecom guy lol Happy Friday, I'm gonna try not to talk your ear off, but I just want to give you some motivation and some free game that could make your successful. So the other day I was at chiflia (idk how to spell it lol) and I was walking out from getting my food and some people saw my car.. I heard them talking under their breath saying it was "my parents car" or something. Honestly Idrc what they think but it made ME think.... If I saw a dude driving a car at a young age and I didn't know the money glitch I knew now i would think it impossible too. But the honest truth is, I never always had life like this where I could travel the world, drive loud & nice cars and have financial freedom. In fact, when I was growing up people use to pick on me for wearing the same clothes everyday because I didn't have money to get new clothes or shoes. I remember feeling left out, no one would talk to me in school just because I couldn't have the same materialistic things as them. It forced me to start working hard, because I knew if there is people who can drive $100,o00+ cars then there's no way I couldn't afford a $25 shirt right? That's when I started grinding, First I started mowing lawns... working all day everyday for barely any money After I got enough money from that I invested in myself and I started learning dropshipping, I ended up starting my first store with my friend which did decent. I got good at that so i ended up starting my brand (that brand is now almost worth $1,000,000) . After I saw the crazy success from the brand , I decided to take ANOTHER risk... After I saw I got good at the brand I started ANOTHER store. These stores are almost worth a couple MILLION combined now... Keep in mind, this is a 2 YEAR DIFFERENCE .... from me wearing the same clothes from cheap websites to becoming a millionaire. But, this is where a lot of people get things mixed up. They think I am special and they can't do the same thing.