Simplify To AmplifyAccelerator
Private group
21 members
A 90-day mentorship program that helps you launch your online course/ coaching offers with a proven process and strategy that helps you generate recurring revenue.
  • 3 Months aka 90-days
  • 3 Months DM support inside Skool with your 1:1 coach
  • 1:1 Onboarding Call with a Personalized Strategy Plan*
  • Weekly Group 60 minute Calls x 2 [ Content and Sales]- Tuesday + Wednesday
  • Monthly Mindset Trainings
  • Systems Support inside the community alongside training library
  • Community
  • Template, Video Training, Pre- Built Systems & Training, and much more!
  • 4 months of The Momentum Membership For Free [$49 month to month after]
  • Access to CCA [Course Creation Academy] Course for LIFE and all updates after you leave
ROI guarantee. You do all the work prescribed within the program, participate in support, and do not get an ROI before the end of the program… We’ll continue to work with you until you do for an additional 3 months FOR FREE.
Simplify To AmplifyAccelerator
A 90-day program to create & launch your online course/coaching offers with a proven process and strategy to help you generate recurring revenue.
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