Spiritual Growth Accelerators
Public group
1 member
$66 /month
You've got a message to share, but you're shy or don't want to be "out there" on social media. I see you.
I'm Shwanna, a faceless YouTuber with 3K subs simply by showing up as my authentic self.
I know you're hearing "show up" "stop hiding". But you're not hiding, you're choosing a life that most aligns with you now and that's ok.
By "showing up" as you are now, you're honoring your authenticity while providing the gift and value that is you.
My YT journey is proof that you don't have to compromise your Self to deliver value. I went from 8 to 3000 subs in 3 weeks with my first $$ within 60 days.
I will help you clarify your message, grow your channel authentically and get your first client.
What you're getting:
  • 1:1 hr. call with me so I can get to know you, your message and goals
  • A co-created roadmap with actionable steps toward your goal
  • Access to "Seeing the Unseen" Course
  • Daily engagement for ideas & weekly progress reviews
  • Direct access to me for unlimited guidance & accountability
Spiritual Growth Accelerators
Community of entrepreneurs working together to grow businesses that align with their soul's purpose.
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