Speaking of AI...
It doesn't matter if you like it or not AI is creeping into every facet of our lives. And the speaking business is no different.
Writers have AI program Grammarly to assist in their writing projects. Now we have "Yoodli."
The Yoodli program will listen to your speech and give immediate feedback on your phrasing, pace, use of pauses, voice inflection, and repeated and filler words.
Its a fantastic tool to polish up your speeches and talks with immediate feedback.
However, it is not perfect. It may point out that you are repeating a word in your speech too frequently when perhaps that was your specific intention. So don't expect it to do all the work for you. But it will make the work you do easier and more efficient.
The best part is that Yoodli is FREE if you are a current member of Toastmasters.
So find a club, and get the benefit of both human AND AI feedback of your presentations.
Aaron Anderson
Speaking of AI...
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