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Welcome to Speak, Present, Engage! (Start Here)
Hi, I'm Phil and welcome to SPE! 🔥 We're an exciting, positive, friendly and thriving community of speakers, sales presenters, trainers, consultants, coaches - and anyone who needs to speak and engage for a living. Here you can network, share best practice, get answers to questions, exchange ideas and to provide help and support to one another. And yes - to have fun! 🥳 Please make sure to read our group standards. ===> Your First Step: Introduce yourself and maybe even share a photo to help us get to know you. You'll earn points for adding great content and for interacting with other members, and over time this will unlock bonus content for you. Feel free to ✄ copy/paste this template 👇 Where are you from? What are your skills and expertise? What do you hope to get from this group? ===> One more thing: If you haven't already found it, you can access the Skool app in the two main stores below. The best experience is on desktop or laptop, and like most apps, different users have different experiences. I'm on Android and haven't had any issues at all - in fact the app is pretty good. If you do have any problems, please drop me a line and I'll pass it on: Ready? Let's get started!
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Self Promotion goes here! 👇
Tell us your offer, product or service in just three words - plus one website URL. Over to you!
New comment Apr '24
Self Promotion goes here! 👇
Group Standards and Rules
Our goal is for this group to be a friendly and professional community for members. Having run groups like this for over twenty years, many members have told me that the advice shared has often been “life changing” for them. For this to happen, members agree and stick to a set of expected group standards. 1. Professional Conduct: Maintain a high standard of professionalism in all interactions. Respectful communication, integrity and ethical behaviour are expected from all members. 2. Constructive Feedback: Encourage the sharing of constructive feedback that is intended to support and uplift fellow members. Critiques should be offered with kindness and aimed at fostering growth. 3. No Self-Promotion: Refrain from overt self-promotion or sales pitches within the group discussions or posts will be removed without warning. Opportunities for sharing services or products will be provided to designated threads or areas on specific days. 4. Value Contribution: Strive to contribute valuable insights, resources and experiences that benefit the group. Quality contributions help enrich the community and support collective learning. 5. Confidentiality and Trust: Respect the confidentiality of information shared within the group. What is discussed here should not be disseminated outside without explicit permission from the original poster. 6. Inclusivity and Diversity: Embrace and respect diversity in all its forms. Our community thrives on the varied perspectives, experiences and backgrounds of its members. 7. Continuous Learning: Approach interactions with an open mind and a willingness to learn. We are all here to grow and develop professionally, and every member has unique insights to offer. 8. Active Participation: Engage actively with the community. Regular participation through commenting, sharing and responding helps build a vibrant and supportive network - plus you get points on our Leaderboards! 9. Conflict Resolution: It is rare that there are conflicts within the group, however please address any disagreements directly with the involved parties in a respectful and constructive manner. Seek mediation from group moderators if necessary. We will not hesitate to remove posts without warning and Admin's ruling is final.
Top 10 Authenticity Speakers
Congratulations @Penny Power OBE ! Top Authenticity Keynote Speakers in the UK to Help Embrace Your Authentic Self (
New comment May '24
Top 10 Authenticity Speakers
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Speak, Present, Engage
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