You guys asked and y'all shall receive!
In this tab y'all can share your goals. Short and long term! Share them with the community and hold yourself accountable to it! Come back to it in a week, a month from now and check your progress. A way to hold yourself accountable and see how far you've moved the needle forward and if you haven't, ask yourself why and how can you improve? Give yourself a deadline, and have a sense of urgency towards your goals. Many people say: oh I'll start later, I'll start next year, I'll start when I'm ready....all excuses! But guess what? You'll never know when you're ready, you just gotta start. Let the actions speak for itself and start putting in the WORK! So, as a leader, I'll start! My goals for a month from now: - Make $20k/mo in HTS 💸 - Grow this community to 100 members 🫂 - Provide tons of free value 🧠 - Have most of the content filmed/edited and ready to launch 📽️ - Make meaningful connections within the community and help at least 1-2 members get to that $10k/mo goal 💸 - Stay consistent at the gym and with my diet 💪 With that, drop it in the comments some of your goals or make a post and hold yourself accountable!