The Cost of Inaction
You know a lot of times we tell prospects...
"What happens if you continue XYZ 3-6 months down the line?"
and that causes pain for the prospect.
But a lot of sales training tactics we learn, we never apply ourselves.
We're only good at the sale but not using the sale for ourselves.
The salesman leaves the sales call landing a 10k offer whilst reaching for his snack and standing up and revealing he's 20 pounds overweight
They don't practice what they preach on the sales calls
This connects back to a point, and it's that all SALES is is CHANGE.
Salesrep help other people make change, without actually changing their lives themselves.
I've noticed this in myself and plenty of salesrep
Good at the sport when the cameras are on but not good when the cameras are off.
So please, practice what you preach. Instead of telling others what is the cost of inaction, tell yourself what is your cost of inaction if you don't change XYZ in the ABC area of your life
Tony Klein
The Cost of Inaction
Soulful Selling
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