Do your acts of love toward your husband ‘feel forced?’
This is easily a top 5 question I’ve received over my 11 years of helping couples rekindle their marriage.
Often what ends up happening is that a concerned wife will buy & read The Gentle Reconnection Steps, begin to apply the techniques, but feel as if she’s forcing acts of love and kindness.
This leads to having thoughts of “I feel insecure and needy, and I’m not usually any of those things…” or “He might think I need something since I’m acting nice.”
These thoughts couldn’t be further from the truth.
It’s completely normal for you to feel that way in the beginning when strengthening your marriage.
Think of it as building “love momentum.”
The beginning is slow.
But day after day, those small, genuine efforts begin to compound.
After a week… communication with your partner feels more easy and open.
After two weeks… you both begin to understand each other’s love language.
Around a month… you fully begin to leave that “roommate” dynamic back to a loving husband and wife.
Now I would like to hear a little bit from you.
Since you began to dive into the first couple chapters of The Gentle Reconnection Steps, what questions or challenges have come up as you’ve begun to apply the techniques from the book?
Let me know in the comment section below so we can work through some obstacles
Jon Dabach
Do your acts of love toward your husband ‘feel forced?’
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