SQS Season 1 Checklist✅
Hey everyone,
It’s been fantastic to see each of you grow throughout Season 1 of the Solo Q Solution community.
As we wrap up Season 1, it's crucial to ensure you're set to tackle mental barriers and master early game fundamentals. Here’s a checklist to keep you on track. If you haven’t completed everything yet, now’s the time to focus and build a solid foundation.
Decide, learn, and apply these steps consistently to make a big difference in your climb.
If you have any questions or need clarification, drop them in the comments below. We’re here to support each other’s growth.
Let’s finish Season 1 strong and keep progressing together! 💪
Season 1 Checklist:
✅ Fully committed to your Solo Queue journey
✅ Chosen one role and champion to main
☑️ (Master+ players only): Selected up to 3 champions with similar playstyles to main in one role
✅ Mastered your main champion(s), including builds, runes, playstyles
✅ Adjusted your settings for optimal gameplay
☑️ (Master+ players only): Strategically drafting with your 3 champions in each game
✅ Perform the pre-game checklist once all 10 champions are locked in each game
William Lejre
SQS Season 1 Checklist✅
Solo Q Solution
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