My Favorite Role
What roles do I take? well I end up playing almost all of them except bot lane, bot lane seems really difficult since I don’t like playing traditional bot lane champions, and honestly, every other lane is different I am not good at stalling wave, freezing it, and all that stuff, but what role I enjoy the most is jungle.
Why jungle:
Jungle is a role where I get to try almost anything (almost), I can play many legends and see if they work in the meta without worrying too much, (I don’t do it often) since I know my way around the jungle already, It was my number one pick when joining the game and I didn’t know what I was getting into, but ever since, since then playing a lane roles don’t have the same feeling as playing jungle, the idea of being able to help teammates with a gank and that weighing the odds of winning the game, watching people rally up for objectives for a big fight it’s all very exciting stuff, and the idea of there’s another jungle legend on the other side, is always so interesting since everybody focuses on their own jungles but some may forget they must know the enemy whereabouts too, it’s all good stuff, and that’s why it’s my favorite role.
Mario Nunez
My Favorite Role
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