i got to silver 1 on my other account
Ok so I've been slacking and I haven't been playing league but more of TFT and in that game I recently got to gold but hey I managed to get close to my main account's rank.
Mostly because of life but it's typhoon season so it's not a good time to play league when everything
is flooding.
I haven't been loyal to my boi Malzahar because I was on my secondary role and I don't want to troll my team by picking a squishy AP bruiser top.
I also found a duo in the internet cafe that I'm playing at which makes the game easier :D
some changes I did are:
  • stick to the build that worked for me because Malzahar's damage is one of the slowest in the game and he's an anti-carry.
  • use my pings more and not go mental boom
  • focus on the enemy's mistakes so that my team can carry me easier
  • communicate with my team better and make calls for objectives with my jungler.
1 comment
Ery Radji Almario
i got to silver 1 on my other account
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