First time of having a growth mindset experience
Hi there. I chose to play riven as my main in top, and i already have decent maystery for fiora and camille, but i find riven the most fun to play. Anyway, i wanna share something i learnt from a game and carried on to the next to 1v9. So, i played riven into a nasus matchup. Nasus took exhaust tp, and i went flash ignite. In that first game, i got a first blood. However, nasus was able to absolutely stomp me after lvl 6 bc of his w and exhaust. Thing about nasus is that he is much easier to fight without his w and exhaust. Enemy jgler took grubs and from there, he would walk under tower, q for dmg and ignore me since he has everything he needs to beat me anyway, and i couldnt do anything, not even deal dmg. I ended up losing that game. Next game, i faced off against a nasus again. This time, i decided to go tenacity runes with 10 percent tenacity and slow resist. Keep in mind that nasus w atckspeedslow scales of its slow, so slow resist helps with atckspeed reduction from his w to the point where u can negate it completly. I then took cleanse cuz i knew that cleanse worked on his w and a potential exhaust. The interesting thing is that after the first game against nasus, i was completly going mental and wanted to stop playing riven, caling her weak, but i calmed myself down and told myself "This isnt a loss. Its room for improvement". I did everything perfect in terms of waves, proxy and fundamentals in the first game, but i still lost. Now in the second game, i ended up completly 1v9 just because of the fact that i played just as good at last game, with the exception that i took different summoners. Keep in mind, that both my botlaners got stomped in the second game and my mid and theirs had nothing of difference in terms of gold and xp. I even got ganked by 4 people at some point. In the end, i ended up 1v9ing and wining the game, making me a happy guy. I hope this post is soemthing that can motivate you guys to look at your past games with a growth mindset until you reach your dream rank, like i will one day. Greetings from the gold player (originally platinum xd)
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Mohamed Almaghribi
First time of having a growth mindset experience
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