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Be in Tune For Signs of Bullying
Here is a more obvious clip and a very proactive parent. What are your thoughts and experiences with bullying?
Be in Tune For Signs of Bullying
Welcome to the Community! And Housekeeping Rules!
I'm excited to share with you a lot of what I have learned over the years but more importantly, I am just as intrigued about what you have learned. And how I can be of service to you! With that said, please follow the following format and introduce yourself so we may better get to know you. 1. Where are you from? Idaho 2. How did you find out about this community? Involved with other communities and decided to open a community of my own based on my mentor's instruction for developing an online course. 3. What do you do for a profession? Currently building an online business. In the past customer service, martial arts, and business owner. 4. What do you do for fun? I love spending time with the family, martial arts, continuing self-development education, fishing, and being of service. Housekeeping Please be considerate of others. We have individuals from all different backgrounds. We like to keep things neutral. Swearing in the posts, particularly on Zoom calls is prohibited. Children are generally nearby and sometimes pop in from time to time. Calls are recorded and available for your listening pleasure. We want to make this a family-friendly environment where all can benefit and learn from these important skills and lessons. If it doesn’t uplift, it doesn’t fit! Please no self-pro-motion within the group. Whether through DM’s or POST’s. You could risk getting banned from the group. Housekeeping items are subject to be modified.
New comment Apr 28
Welcome to the Community! And Housekeeping Rules!
Cast your vote!
If you saw an aggressor beating someone other than a family member. Would you... Give more context to your answer in the comments below.
1 member has voted
New comment Jun 19
Happy Father’s Day Everyone!
Happy Fathers Day everyone! Whether you had a father present or not. There are many others that have played vital roles in shaping your life.
Happy Father’s Day Everyone!
Saturday's Self Awareness Tip
If you are so on autopilot that you go from one point to another that you don't remember your journey to your destination, you have fallen into tunnel vision. This happens a lot when coming home after a long day of work. You are accustomed to the route. Please take some spearmint or peppermint gum to help wake up the brain. Cool off the body by rolling the windows down or turning the A.C. on high. Choose to look for items on your way home. Count how many of them there are. Example: Five red cards. This will start to help you build self-awareness skills. Which we will be going into further details in the future.
1-16 of 16
Solo Self Protection/closed
Solo Self Protection: Equip yourself with vital self-defense knowledge and skills for everyday scenarios.
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