"Reflections on the Rocks: Drunk Escapades and Stories of Sobriety and Redemption"
Theme: A literary competition inviting short stories that explore the highs and lows of alcohol consumption, from wild nights out to the transformative journey of getting sober. Writers are encouraged to share authentic, heartfelt narratives that reflect their personal experiences and insights.
Submission Guidelines:
Word Limit: 1,500 - 3,000 words
Format: Double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font
Eligibility: Open to all
Anonymity: Submissions will be anonymized to ensure unbiased judging
Entry Fee: A small entry fee of $10.00 (USD) to cover administrative costs and prize money, and future sponsorships to fund the competition.
Submission Period: July 1 to November 31, 2024.
Publication: 100 winning stories will be compiled into an anthology, available as a published book.
Corrin Shakespear
"Reflections on the Rocks: Drunk Escapades and Stories of Sobriety and Redemption"
The Sober Curious Social Club
A virtual community for the sober-curious dedicated to sharing stories of personal transformation, professional growth, and the alcohol-free journey.
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