Day 1 - The Mean 13 Consonant Test
/s/ Level 1: Isolated Sound Pronunciation
  • Task: Students will pronounce the consonant sound in isolation, focusing purely on accuracy of the individual sound. They will submit a voice note with just the sound repeated several times (e.g., /s/, /t/, /r/).
Level 2: Word-Level Pronunciation
  • Task: Students will pronounce words containing the target consonant sound in three different positions (beginning, middle, and end).
Start of the Word (5 words)
Example: If the sound is /s/, words might be sun, sea, sit, see, sand.
Middle of the Word (5 words)
Example: If the sound is /s/, words might be basin, lesson, basic, listen, mesa.
End of the Word (5 words)
Example: If the sound is /s/, words might be grass, bus, pass, focus, fuss.
Level 3: Phrase-Level Pronunciation
  • Task: Students will pronounce short phrases where the target sound occurs in various positions. This will test their ability to maintain the correct pronunciation in context.
Example for /s/:
  • "Sit still" (start),
  • "The basic idea" (middle),
  • "She gave him a pass" (end).
Level 4: Sentence-Level Pronunciation
  • Task: Students will pronounce longer sentences that contain the target sound multiple times in different positions, testing fluency and consistency.
Example for /s/:
  • "Susan saw a seal swimming in the sea and decided to sit and watch the sunset."
/p/ Level 1: Isolated Sound Pronunciation
  • Task: Students will pronounce the /p/ sound individually, focusing on producing a clear and accurate sound. They should repeat the sound several times, like this:"p... p... p..."
Level 2: Word-Level Pronunciation
Start of the Word (5 words)
  1. Pan
  2. Pig
  3. Pine
  4. Play
  5. Pond
Middle of the Word (5 words)
  1. Happy
  2. Apple
  3. Paper
  4. Tapping
  5. Open
End of the Word (5 words)
  1. Map
  2. Top
  3. Stop
  4. Cup
  5. Ship
Level 3: Phrase-Level Pronunciation
Students will pronounce short phrases where the /p/ sound appears in various positions.
  1. Start: "Pick a pen."
  2. Middle: "The apple is ripe."
  3. End: "Take a trip."
  4. Mixed: "The puppy is happy."
  5. Mixed: "Open the map quickly."
Level 4: Sentence-Level Pronunciation
Students will pronounce longer sentences where the /p/ sound appears multiple times.
  1. "Paul picked up a pile of paper and placed it on the table."
  2. "The puppy played happily in the park while people watched from a distance."
  3. "Peter opened the map to plan a perfect path through the mountains."
  4. "She tapped the top of the cup gently before taking a sip."
  5. "Patty's parents planned a picnic by the pond to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere."
/t/ Level 1: Isolated Sound Pronunciation
  • Task: Students will pronounce the /t/ sound individually, focusing on producing a clear and accurate sound. They should repeat the sound several times:"t... t... t..."
Level 2: Word-Level Pronunciation
Start of the Word (5 words)
  1. Tap
  2. Ten
  3. Top
  4. Toy
  5. Tall
Middle of the Word (5 words)
  1. Water
  2. Letter
  3. Bottle
  4. Kitten
  5. Butter
End of the Word (5 words)
  1. Hat
  2. Mat
  3. Cat
  4. Boat
  5. Foot
Level 3: Phrase-Level Pronunciation
Students will pronounce short phrases where the /t/ sound appears in various positions.
  1. Start: "Take the toy."
  2. Middle: "The letter arrived late."
  3. End: "She wore a red hat."
  4. Mixed: "The water is too hot."
  5. Mixed: "Get the cat a treat."
Level 4: Sentence-Level Pronunciation
Students will pronounce longer sentences where the /t sound appears multiple times.
  1. "Tim tapped the table twice and told them to wait."
  2. "Tina took the tall tree out of the tiny pot."
  3. "The cat sat on the mat waiting for its treat."
  4. "They bought a bottle of water at the train station."
  5. "Tom tried to take a bite of the hot toast but burned his tongue."
/b/ Level 1: Isolated Sound Pronunciation
  • Task: Students will pronounce the /b/ sound individually, focusing on producing a clear and accurate sound. They should repeat the sound several times:"b... b... b..."
Level 2: Word-Level Pronunciation
Start of the Word (5 words)
  1. Bat
  2. Ball
  3. Bag
  4. Bee
  5. Boy
Middle of the Word (5 words)
  1. Rabbit
  2. Table
  3. Cabin
  4. Robo
  5. Baby
End of the Word (5 words)
  1. Crab
  2. Cab
  3. Rib
  4. Tub
  5. Job
Level 3: Phrase-Level Pronunciation
Students will pronounce short phrases where the /b/ sound appears in various positions.
  1. Start: "Buy the book."
  2. Middle: "The baby is cute."
  3. End: "I grabbed the crab."
  4. Mixed: "The blue ball bounced."
  5. Mixed: "Bob broke the big box."
Level 4: Sentence-Level Pronunciation
Students will pronounce longer sentences where the /b/ sound appears multiple times.
  1. "Billy bought a blue bag of bread at the bakery."
  2. "The big rabbit jumped over the table and broke a bottle."
  3. "Bobby was very busy baking banana bread for his birthday."
  4. "The baby grabbed the tub and splashed water all over the bathroom."
  5. "Bob’s job was to build a big boat, but it broke before the launch."
/k/ Level 1: Isolated Sound Pronunciation
  • Task: Students will pronounce the /k/ sound individually, focusing on producing a clear and accurate sound. They should repeat the sound several times:"k... k... k..."
Level 2: Word-Level Pronunciation
Start of the Word (5 words)
  1. Cat
  2. Key
  3. Car
  4. Cake
  5. Cup
Middle of the Word (5 words)
  1. Baker
  2. Chicken
  3. Rocket
  4. Monkey
  5. Bucket
End of the Word (5 words)
  1. Back
  2. Book
  3. Sock
  4. Truck
  5. Duck
Level 3: Phrase-Level Pronunciation
Students will pronounce short phrases where the /k/ sound appears in various positions.
  1. Start: "Cut the cake."
  2. Middle: "The chicken is cooking."
  3. End: "Pick up the book."
  4. Mixed: "The cat climbed the rock."
  5. Mixed: "Take the keys out of the truck."
Level 4: Sentence-Level Pronunciation
Students will pronounce longer sentences where the /k/ sound appears multiple times.
  1. "Kathy cut the cake and kept the biggest piece for herself."
  2. "The black cat jumped onto the truck and knocked over a cup."
  3. "He picked up the book and carefully placed it back on the shelf."
  4. "The kids played with the kite in the park until the sky turned dark."
  5. "The chicken cooked in the kitchen while the baker mixed the cake batter."
/g/ Level 1: Isolated Sound Pronunciation
  • Task: Students will pronounce the /g/ sound individually, focusing on producing a clear and accurate sound. They should repeat the sound several times:"g... g... g..."
Level 2: Word-Level Pronunciation
Start of the Word (5 words)
  1. Go
  2. Game
  3. Girl
  4. Green
  5. Gate
Middle of the Word (5 words)
  1. Bigger
  2. Tiger
  3. Bagel
  4. Forget
  5. Sugar
End of the Word (5 words)
  1. Dog
  2. Bag
  3. Frog
  4. Egg
  5. Flag
Level 3: Phrase-Level Pronunciation
Students will pronounce short phrases where the /g sound appears in various positions.
  1. Start: "Go get the game."
  2. Middle: "The tiger is big."
  3. End: "I love my dog."
  4. Mixed: "The green gate is huge."
  5. Mixed: "Greg grabbed the flag."
Level 4: Sentence-Level Pronunciation
Students will pronounce longer sentences where the /g/ sound appears multiple times.
  1. "Gary gave a great gift to the girl at the garden gate."
  2. "The green frog jumped over the dog, and Greg grabbed the ball."
  3. "She got a big bag of sugar to make some gingerbread cookies."
  4. "The tiger growled and wagged its tail as it gazed at the gathering."
  5. "George forgot to grab his bag from the grocery store."
/f/ Level 1: Isolated Sound Pronunciation
  • Task: Students will pronounce the /f/ sound individually, focusing on producing a clear and accurate sound. They should repeat the sound several times:"f... f... f..."
Level 2: Word-Level Pronunciation
Start of the Word (5 words)
  1. Fan
  2. Fish
  3. Fine
  4. Fun
  5. Fast
Middle of the Word (5 words)
  1. Coffee
  2. Sofa
  3. Offer
  4. Office
  5. Traffic
End of the Word (5 words)
  1. Leaf
  2. Chef
  3. Laugh
  4. Roof
  5. Staff
Level 3: Phrase-Level Pronunciation
Students will pronounce short phrases where the /f/ sound appears in various positions.
  1. Start: "Find the fish."
  2. Middle: "The sofa is soft."
  3. End: "Pick up the leaf."
  4. Mixed: "The fast fan broke."
  5. Mixed: "Fred offered coffee to the staff."
Level 4: Sentence-Level Pronunciation
Students will pronounce longer sentences where the /f/ sound appears multiple times.
  1. "Fred found five fish swimming fast in the river."
  2. "The funny chef laughed as he flipped the food on the grill."
  3. "I offered her a cup of coffee before heading to the office."
  4. "She picked up a leaf from the roof and watched the traffic below."
  5. "Frank fixed the fan before the family gathered for a feast."
/v/ Level 1: Isolated Sound Pronunciation
  • Task: Students will pronounce the /v/ sound individually, focusing on producing a clear and accurate sound. They should repeat the sound several times:"v... v... v..."
Level 2: Word-Level Pronunciation
Start of the Word (5 words)
  1. Van
  2. Vet
  3. Vase
  4. Visit
  5. Voice
Middle of the Word (5 words)
  1. Over
  2. Even
  3. Movie
  4. River
  5. Lover
End of the Word (5 words)
  1. Give
  2. Love
  3. Drive
  4. Leave
  5. Save
Level 3: Phrase-Level Pronunciation
Students will pronounce short phrases where the /v/ sound appears in various positions.
  1. Start: "Visit the vet."
  2. Middle: "The movie is long."
  3. End: "Give me a hug."
  4. Mixed: "The van drove over the hill."
  5. Mixed: "Vera loves to save coins."
Level 4: Sentence-Level Pronunciation
Students will pronounce longer sentences where the /v/ sound appears multiple times.
  1. "Victor visited the vet to give his dog a vaccine."
  2. "The van drove through the village and over the river."
  3. "She watched a movie about a brave lover who saved the kingdom."
  4. "Vera gave her friend a valuable vase before leaving the party."
  5. "They love to visit new places every summer and drive along the coast."
/j/ Level 1: Isolated Sound Pronunciation
  • Task: Students will pronounce the /j/ sound individually, focusing on producing a clear and accurate sound. They should repeat the sound several times:"j... j... j..."
Level 2: Word-Level Pronunciation
Start of the Word (5 words)
  1. Jam
  2. Jump
  3. Jelly
  4. Joke
  5. Jeans
Middle of the Word (5 words)
  1. Major
  2. Enjoy
  3. Adjust
  4. Project
  5. Magic
End of the Word (5 words)
  1. Cage
  2. Page
  3. Huge
  4. Edge
  5. Bridge
Level 3: Phrase-Level Pronunciation
Students will pronounce short phrases where the /j/ sound appears in various positions.
  1. Start: "Jump over the log."
  2. Middle: "Enjoy the magic."
  3. End: "Close the cage."
  4. Mixed: "The joke made Jill jump."
  5. Mixed: "He adjusted the huge project."
Level 4: Sentence-Level Pronunciation
Students will pronounce longer sentences where the /j/ sound appears multiple times.
  1. "Jack jumped over the huge hedge and told a funny joke."
  2. "Jenny enjoyed the magic show and took a picture of the bridge."
  3. "The major project involved adjusting the page and closing the cage."
  4. "Jake and Jill wore their jeans and jelly shoes while they walked near the edge."
  5. "George finished his job after making some major adjustments to the huge machine."
/ch/ Level 1: Isolated Sound Pronunciation
  • Task: Students will pronounce the /ch/ sound individually, focusing on producing a clear and accurate sound. They should repeat the sound several times:"ch... ch... ch..."
Level 2: Word-Level Pronunciation
Start of the Word (5 words)
  1. Chair
  2. Child
  3. Chalk
  4. Cheese
  5. Change
Middle of the Word (5 words)
  1. Teacher
  2. Kitchen
  3. Reaching
  4. Matches
  5. Watching
End of the Word (5 words)
  1. Beach
  2. Watch
  3. Peach
  4. Lunch
  5. Match
Level 3: Phrase-Level Pronunciation
Students will pronounce short phrases where the /ch/ sound appears in various positions.
  1. Start: "Choose a chair."
  2. Middle: "The teacher is nice."
  3. End: "Watch the beach."
  4. Mixed: "The child is reaching for the chalk."
  5. Mixed: "He will match the cheese with lunch."
Level 4: Sentence-Level Pronunciation
Students will pronounce longer sentences where the /ch/ sound appears multiple times.
  1. "Charlie chose a chair and watched the children play on the beach."
  2. "The teacher changed the chart while the students were watching closely."
  3. "Chloe ate a peach during lunch while reaching for the cheese."
  4. "They had a picnic at the beach after matching the colors of their clothes."
  5. "The chef in the kitchen was teaching how to cook chicken with cheese."
/ʒ/ Level 1: Isolated Sound Pronunciation
  • Task: Students will pronounce the /ʒ/ sound individually, focusing on producing a clear and accurate sound. They should repeat the sound several times:"ʒ... ʒ... ʒ..."
Level 2: Word-Level Pronunciation
Start of the Word (5 words)
Note: The /ʒ/ sound typically does not appear at the start of words in English. It is more common in the middle or end positions.
Middle of the Word (5 words)
  1. Measure
  2. Leisure
  3. Treasure
  4. Pleasure
  5. Mansion
End of the Word (5 words)
  1. Beige
  2. Garage
  3. Boulevard
  4. Rendezvous
  5. Cliché
Level 3: Phrase-Level Pronunciation
Students will pronounce short phrases where the /ʒ/ sound appears in various positions.
  1. Middle: "Measure the treasure."
  2. Middle: "We enjoy leisure activities."
  3. End: "The garage is full."
  4. Mixed: "The pleasure of leisure."
  5. Mixed: "She found a beige blouse."
Level 4: Sentence-Level Pronunciation
Students will pronounce longer sentences where the /ʒ/ sound appears multiple times.
  1. "The pleasure of measuring the treasure was evident in her eyes."
  2. "He visited the garage and admired the vintage cars in leisure."
  3. "The mansion’s beige walls and lavish décor were a true measure of luxury."
  4. "Finding the cliché in the boulevard was an unexpected treasure."
  5. "They spent their leisure time in a garage full of vintage and exotic cars."
/r/ Level 1: Isolated Sound Pronunciation
  • Task: Students will pronounce the /r/ sound individually, focusing on producing a clear and accurate sound. They should repeat the sound several times:"r... r... r..."
Level 2: Word-Level Pronunciation
Start of the Word (5 words)
  1. Run
  2. Red
  3. Rice
  4. Read
  5. Ring
Middle of the Word (5 words)
  1. Brother
  2. Letter
  3. Crane
  4. Fortune
  5. Spring
End of the Word (5 words)
  1. Car
  2. Star
  3. Butter
  4. Here
  5. More
Level 3: Phrase-Level Pronunciation
Students will pronounce short phrases where the /r/ sound appears in various positions.
  1. Start: "Run to the store."
  2. Middle: "The letter arrived early."
  3. End: "Park the car here."
  4. Mixed: "The spring brings new life."
  5. Mixed: "She wore a red ring."
Level 4: Sentence-Level Pronunciation
Students will pronounce longer sentences where the /r/ sound appears multiple times.
  1. "The red car raced around the corner and parked by the river."
  2. "My brother wrote a letter to express his gratitude for the fortune."
  3. "Spring is the season where flowers bloom and new life begins."
  4. "She carefully read the report and revised her notes for the next meeting."
  5. "The restaurant was busy, and the waiter hurried to serve everyone quickly."
/θ/ (as in "think") and /ð/ (as in "this"). Here’s the assessment plan for both sounds:
Level 1: Isolated Sound Pronunciation
  • Task: Students will pronounce the /θ/ and /ð/ sounds individually, focusing on producing clear and accurate sounds. They should repeat each sound several times:/θ/: "θ... θ... θ..." (as in "think")/ð/: "ð... ð... ð..." (as in "this")
Level 2: Word-Level Pronunciation
For /θ/ (Start of the Word) (5 words)
  1. Think
  2. Throw
  3. Three
  4. Theme
  5. Thick
For /ð/ (Start of the Word) (5 words)
  1. This
  2. That
  3. These
  4. Then
  5. There
Middle of the Word (5 words for both /θ/ and /ð/)
  • /θ/
  1. Author
  2. Nothing
  3. Birthday
  4. Athlete
  5. Bathroom
  • Father
  • Brother
  • Another
  • Together
  • Rather
End of the Word (5 words for both /θ/ and /ð/)
  • /θ/:
  1. Path
  2. Math
  3. Teeth
  4. North
  5. Both.
  • /ð/:Level 3: Phrase-Level Pronunciation
Students will pronounce short phrases where /θ/ and /ð/ sounds appear in various positions.
  • Start: "Think of the theme."
  • Middle: "The birthday party was fun."
  • End: "Walk the path north."
  • Start: "This is the best."
  • Middle: "My father is tall."
  • End: "He saw the mother."
Level 4: Sentence-Level Pronunciation
Students will pronounce longer sentences where /θ/ and /ð/ sounds appear multiple times.
Students will pronounce longer sentences where /θ/ and /ð/ sounds appear multiple times.
For /θ/:
  • "The thick theme of the book made me think deeply about the author's thoughts."
  • "Three months ago, I went north to the bathroom to buy a birthday gift."
For /ð/:
  • "This father and his brother discussed another matter while they waited for the weather to change."
  • "The feather from the mother bird fell softly on the brother's lap."
Matthew Fabling
Day 1 - The Mean 13 Consonant Test
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