Private group
24 members
When you enter, you'll get access to a community of like-minded people, and all the resources you need to create & launch a successful Skool community in 2024.
What you'll get inside:
✅ Skin Saver Mindset $997
✅ The Essentials to Healing $1997
✅ Healing Activation Habits $1500
✅Skin Saving Sleep Crash course $1997
✅ Skin Saving Diet (Without All the Dogma) $997
✅ Gut Healing 101 $2997
✅ 4X Q&A Calls Per Month $2500
✅Community Support: Connect with others and Ask Questions from Logan $1500
✅ Bonus: Discounts to supplements & providers: $997
✅ Bonus: Exclusive Access to Logan's Network of Healers $1250
TOTAL VALUE: $16,732
FREE for the first 50 Members
🤝 100% Money Back Guarantee (No Questions Asked)
⏰ The Price Is Going Up Soon to $97 (After first 50 are in)
🚨Limited Bonus for First 50 Members: Chat Support with Logan
*Note: The prices above are radically undervalued. Logan spent over $100,000 on his healing journey. This program is to help you receive affordable education that actually works
We help those suffering with eczema & skin disease overcome their condition with a revolutionary new method known as Holistic Alchemy.
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