The Journey Begins ▶️1️⃣
I am really impressed with the content in the classroom.
I was going through all stages 5x and not twice and that have point really.
It easier to write than implement but I will continue to work on myself.
I love that content are not in the video format ❤️❤️
I was always struggling with time management, accountability, focus but I'm finding my away in the last 3 years actively.
Looking forward to teach from you guys and implement in myself also I would like to connect with you all and share my knowledge too.
I want to take this post as introduction too if that is ok.
My name is Nikola and I'm from Serbia. 33 year old motivated father and husband hunger for connections and growth.
I am in marketing generally for more than 7 years and I was involved in different types of marketing and earnings online.
I was scammedike 100+ times definitely but I learned a lesson.
I'm building atm AI infrastructures which will help and helping already our future partnerships and deals.
Businesses around the world taking AI as leverage to outsource and automate their business. I am inspired what AI can do really and we are on the start lol
When they dig for the gold, sell them shovels.🔥🔥
To give back something to community for the warm welcome and kindness, I want to share one book which changed me forever and I'm reading it every day.
Atomic Habits
I am sure that some percentage of you are already familiar with this book but if the book find just 1 person which will benefit from it, my job is done. If you have some recommendations of the powerful books which make an impact on you, let me know in the comments below 👇 👇
Be 1% better than yesterday.
Nikola Eminoski
The Journey Begins ▶️1️⃣
The IRL Game 🌎
🌟 The IRL Game is a self-development story mode game where YOU are the main character. 🌟
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