1️⃣ Added two new modules to Consume Less that are focused on Amazon.com. Now 8 modules in total.
2️⃣ Added a new course called "Earn More". This course focuses on how you can... earn more.
Unlocks automatically after 31 days.
The current topics are resume writing, job hopping, and selling on eBay.
Currently 12 modules in total.
3️⃣ Updated the look and feel of the courses.
Added new artwork and will be fine-tuning it over the next few weeks.
4️⃣ Added custom profile picture frames for active players.
🟢 = 7 days of continuous activity
🔴 = 14 days of continuous activity
🔵 = 40 days of continuous activity
🟡 = 90 days of continuous activity
You must have 10 activities each day to unlock the profile picture frame
(liking 10 comments or posts)
I hope to see many of you with blue and yellow profile photo frames!CLAS