Earth’s Natural Vibrations
The Earth resonates with electromagnetic waves known as Schumann Resonances. These waves are created by lightning discharges between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere.
The Schumann Resonance frequency is approximately 7.83 Hz. Higher harmonics occur at around 14.3 Hz, 20.8 Hz, 27.3 Hz, and 33.8 Hz .
These resonances are related to the electrical activity in the Earth’s atmosphere and form a global electromagnetic circuit.
440 Hz has been the standard pitch for tuning musical instruments in the Western world. It was internationally accepted as the industry standard.
432 Hz, slightly flatter than 440 Hz, is an alternative to concert pitch. Many claim it has universal and spiritual healing properties.
Proponents of 432 Hz argue that it aligns with cosmic frequencies, resonating with the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun. They believe it taps into a universal harmony.
Many dismiss this as pseudoscience, emphasizing that musical tuning is a human construct, not a cosmic law.
Advocates of 432 Hz claim it promotes relaxation, balance, and healing. They associate it with ancient cultures, sacred geometry, and chakra alignment.
Some argue that the difference between 432 Hz and 440 Hz is minimal and unlikely to impact health significantly.
Some claim that the shift from 432 Hz to 440 Hz was orchestrated by powerful interests (e.g., Nazi Germany, the Rockefeller Foundation, etc.) to manipulate consciousness.
Historically, the shift was gradual, influenced by various factors (e.g., orchestras, piano manufacturers, standardization).
Musicians and composers choose tunings based on aesthetics, genre, and context. Some find 432 Hz more resonant, while others prefer 440 Hz.
Ultimately, the debate reflects artistic freedom and individual preference.
432 Hz advocates believe it resonates with natural frequencies and promotes well-being. It’s associated with heart-centered consciousness and emotional healing.
440 Hz is widely used in modern music, but not without controversy.
There is no scientific consensus on mystical properties; your personal preference plays a role.
Musical context matters—both tunings coexist in various genres.
Does the frequency of the music we listen to have an effect on us and the people around us? What do you think?
Yes, it has an effect
No, this is crazy talk
No idea, but this is interesting!
12 votes
Chris Wilson
Earth’s Natural Vibrations
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