Day 4 of faceless content creator
So I've started creating AI focused youtube shorts. This is the third day and I have posted 4 videos in my youtube channel. The channel is called Sam's classroom and it just got 3 subscribers! So far so good.
I understand the unstable competition in Youtube, but if I don't try now, I'll never know how it goes! This will be a 30 days challenge for me! I'm excited to see how it goes. I don't have high expectations but I'm excited to have something to look forward to. I would like to share this journey with the community and if this is a huge success, I will share the ideas and concepts behind this youtube channel!
Ifa Dyana Rozwan
Day 4 of faceless content creator
The IRL Game 🌎
🌟 The IRL Game is a self-development story mode game where YOU are the main character. 🌟
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