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MWA Zoom Meeting English is happening in 5 days
Carrousels are being pushed my sisters.
Salam aleikom Girls, I wanted to ask you please to all focus on Reels and on carousels. As you can see Instagram is pushing that at the moment a lot more than before. I made a video about it. You can watch that here. Would be cool if you could comment bellow about your experience.
New comment Jul 8
Carrousels are being pushed my sisters.
Update to the new positive change
Salam aleikom Girls I am happy to announce that, we all can keep selling what we sold right now. Also our clients can. I have attached a link below where you can watch the zoo video, It is not the full version. It is just a short version. I wanted to make a short for you to understand what is going to happen. Please write down all your questions and keep it for the meeting that we are going to have on thursday and on friday. If you have anything urgent, kindly comment here bellow thank you. ●●●●●●●●●●●●●● Salam aleikom wa rahmatula wa baraktu Mädels, Ich hab gute Neuigkeiten: Wir können alle weiterverkaufen, was wir gerade verkaufen. Unsere Kunden können das auch. Ich hab unten einen Link angehängt, wo ihr das Zoo-Video sehen könnt. Es ist nicht die Vollversion, sondern nur eine kurze Version. Ich wollte euch kurz Bescheid geben, damit ihr wisst, was abgeht. Bitte schreibt euch alle eure Fragen auf und behaltet sie für das Treffen, das wir am Donnerstag und Freitag haben werden. Wenn ihr was Dringendes habt, kommentiert bitte hier, danke.
Glad to be here
As-salamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh sisters, its so nice to meet you all! My name is Derya pronounced (dare-ya) I am 27 years old and run my own graphic design business, I specialize in branding, website design, and logo design. I currently live in the united states, but my parents are from Turkey. So excited to connect with all of you!
New hack! Watch this!
New comment Jul 30
New hack!
Greetings from a new member..
Assalamualaikum wrwb dear sisters. My name is Nabeela. I have joined this course under the mentorship of Alina to learn and excel in digital marketing In Sha Allah.
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