Happy Saturday w/ ball handling
I am currently camping with my family at the lake in Michigan! It is one of my favorite things to do🏕️
Even when I am “on vacation” I still find time to get a little workout in and today my dad joined me. We rode our bikes to a local park and played on the monkey bars. I’m trying to increase my strength in my shoulders! We also have a basketball here at camp so I got some ball handling in as well🥳
As athletes sometimes we see working out as “work”, though it is a gift to be able to move with freedom. Focus on one thing to strength and one thing for basketball to practice
Ball handling (game like - change heights and speed) x 3 times through
15 second x left & right pounds
30 seconds - crossovers
30 second - between the legs
30 second - behind the back
30 seconds combo
Have fun!!
Shooters Shoot
Happy Saturday w/ ball handling
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