Underdog story...
Kelsey Plum was one of the best scorers in NCAA history for men and women.
She was the number one draft pick in the WNBA, a leader, and a part of one of the best WNBA teams.
Even though she has achieved so much, she has been through so much.
In this video, she talks about how growing up in a family of an elite athletes and being different "made her".
Plum says "It was interesting being the underdog my whole life *snaps* and it changed."
See Plum wasn't the most athletic kid when she was younger or even the number one recruit when she went to University of Washington, but she WORKED!
She had a dream, a vision, and she wasn't going to let anyone tell her anything else because she was going to achieve it....
And she did.
It was about the journey, Plum knew the goal but she welcomed the challenged.
She discusses that "the time that some people expect to see something is unreasonable."
Things take time. Keep working & keep going.
It's about the joy in the journey.😎
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Shooters Shoot
Underdog story...
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