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💎SHIFT SCALE COACHING CALL📞 is happening in 4 days
Cold Email Campaign Results:
Hey everyone, what do y'all think of the recent cold email campaigns we ran? how do the results look? Are they bad, average or great? btw the numbers: Total emails sent (including follow ups): 3307 Total leads contacted: 800+ Total Responses: 41 Total Positive Responses: 17 Calls Booked: 3
New comment 16h ago
Business Partner for Used Car Niche
Looking for a Brother/Partner to Build I’m at a pivotal moment where I need a solid business partner to help take things to the next level. I want to focus on the front end of the business—sales and client acquisition. Right now, I’m handling everything, and it’s time for a change. I already have 4 clients paying around $2k/month each. I’m looking for someone experienced in client fulfillment who can show real value. If you’ve been in the game for a while and know your stuff, let’s hop on a call and change our lives. We’ll start putting more money in our pockets together. I’m done sitting around being hands-on with everything. I need a change and am willing to pay well if you can fulfill my needs. No newbies or 17-year-old dreamers, please. Show me where you stand in the game, and let’s make this happen.
New comment 2d ago
Options for A2P issues for SMS - There is a fix!
Hi guys, As we all have, have had issues with A2P approvals (US, Aus and now UK!!), different customer circumstances and just 'time' really. I have tried quite a few 'alternative' options to LC and/or Twillio; including the likes of WAGHL, Mint and what not. Super important for me due to numbers not being available in my region (Middle East) and 2-way A2P not available in NZ specifically. But it is across the board now with A2P issues. So have a look at MyCRMSim, it might suit your purpose and speed up time to deploy and the issues inline with that. May not be suitable for the whale clients, but for your SMB/SME or 'project' based roll-outs its GOLD!. Integrates with HL, so super easy deployment for sub-accounts. Customer gets a cheap Android phone and an unlimited SMS plan.. job done! Sends SMS internationally, no issues with using AI and this as the comms route... and its cheap as chips considering. Anyway, I know a lot of people have this issue and I get messaged all the time regarding these issues and how to circumvent them, especially in the Middle East obviously, but also UK now has major A2P issues. So give it a look. Over and out! Rock on! MyCRMSim Cheers, Gully
New comment 5d ago
Accountability partner
Hey everyone, my name is Simon, I am in the car dealership niche and I've been struggling to find my first paying client. Not sure what I'm doing wrong because I've done so much outreach, tweaked my script and even changed my offer but the improvements I'm getting are not really much different from the previous situation. I have managed to book 7 meetings but no one shows up. I need some help here or an accountability partner to guide me. Kindly. Thanks Simon.
New comment 5d ago
YO NATE how would you approach this?
Trying to fulfill for smaller dealership, 15-20 cars. (Thats not even an option on your website, is it cuz their broke or harder to fullfill on, or both) Anyways, need some basic strategy, dont wanna get all paralysis analysis bro, any tips just starting out. Is a carousell ad with open targeting the play? Or maybe one of those where its same adset but a shiton of creatives (for different cars, maybe a cheeky 500 off)? next steps is close more, get ur 1-1 lol.
New comment 5d ago
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SMMA SCALE: Lead Gen Edition🚀
Learn how to scale your SMMA or DMA by offering the Highly In-Demand service of “Lead Generation” (AKA getting new clients for your clients) with Nate
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