Shepreneur Society
Private group
17 members
$25 /month
Welcome To Sheprenuer Society !
When you enter, you'll get access to a community of like-minded women and all the resources you need to achieve your financial freedom from young!
FREE Guides When You Enroll Today
šŸ’° How To Create Your First Digital Product From Scratch!
šŸ’° How To Use The Biggest Platforms In The World To Sell Your Digital Products!
šŸ’° Over 50 Done For You Digital Products To Start Making Money Immediately!
You'll learn :
  • How to make money in your sleep through digital products!
  • How to sell your digital products without showing your face!
  • How to master social media and start making money with less than 500 Followers!
  • Where to sell your digital products to get the most profit!
  • How to stay motivated even we you feel like giving up!
  1. Live training (Weekly)
  2. Giveaways (every month)
  3. Q&A video recordings
  4. Done for you Digital Products
Your biggest fan,
P.S. The community can be canceled monthly with one click.
Shepreneur Society
The Sheprenuer Society is a community for young women who want to talk about mindset and money. This is where everyone who wants MORE meets!
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