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So I've been struggling with a problem in my personal life at the moment. I have a relative who has constantly made remarks and comments subtle ones but little jabs at my wife and the way me and her parent our son. Now the trick is this relative use to watch my son once a week. The last straw was my wife sent out a baby shower invitation to them and their sister who then without knowingly replied to my wife's group chat with her in thinking she wasn't with comments mocking us and insulting my wife. Now since then this relative keeps saying we should forgive them and let it go saying things like "oh you've never made a mistake in your life." Now I think this is all just words considering I've had a talk with them before about these comments and they still continued. So my problem is my relative is saying I'm punishing them by not letting them see my child at the moment. (I never said to them that this was forever just after the comments made to my wife's face I said it was best to take some time off.) to make a long story short as Christian's I know we should forgive. But my point is I would forgive what she said if I knew she was sincere and meant it but her actions show me she actually isn't sorry she's just sorry she got caught. Not looking for a quick answer back just wanted to get your alls thoughts and opinions on it from an outside prospective to see if I'm wrong or not looking at this right. Appreciate yall 🙏🏻
New comment Mar 18
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