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Live Q&As & Guest Speakers is happening in 6 days
(Start Here)
Warm welcome to everyone here! We are stoked to get this live. Start your journey under the classroom section and course titled "(Start Here) - Welcome to the Community" The Extreme Resilience Team can't wait to empower you on this journey with all the tools, resources, & support you'll find in this community. We have a Live Audience Q & A with Guest Speakers every Wednesday at 7:30 EST (a little late to take in account all our members in Pacific, Mountain, and Central Timezones). This personal development program is a combined effort of our founding team. With a few hundred hours of recorded content, over 30 years of combined experience of learning how to heal/ become the best version of ourselves, and countless hours of research to make this community your one stop shop to truly living a happy, healthy, and self-fulfilling life! If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out. Leveraging your network is a pivotal step in our 9 - Step System. We can't wait to empower all of you on this journey we call life to truly discovering & OWNING YOUR PURPOSE!
(Start Here)
Thanks for the Invite Jim
Hey everyone. First I want to say thanks to Jim (Owner) for sending me the invite to join this amazing community he has going here. My name is Jake and I am the VP of Mountain Valor Foundation, a NPO focused on raising PTSD awareness through our b-corp, and preventing suicide through a multi-platform online community, therapeutic retreats, engaging peer to peer support events, and holistic health initiatives. Beyond that, I have an MS in Exercise physiology, am a strength and conditioning coach, and have worked in the field of sports sciences for 10+ years. What Extreme Resilience provides here is beyond amazing and I look forward to seeing this platform and you all grow and develop through all their offerings.
Think positive be positive
Hello everyone
New comment Mar 10
Skool App
If you haven't done so already, you can download the Skool app for free in the Apple, Google or Android app markets. This will make access easier and allow you to receive notifications on upcoming events and stay connected.
Hello everyone! Happy be to be here!!!! 🫶🏼
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Sharpen Your Axe
Our mission: to empower all on their wellness journey through our holistic approach to resilience, by enhancing the MIND, BODY, SPIRIT, & ENVIRONMENT.
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