SFD Networking Community
Private group
40 members
$47 /month
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Over the last 5 years I have spent 6+ figures on Coaches and Mastermind not to mention the countless failures I have overcome. I own over 150+ Doors while also flipping and wholesaling! I started coaching because teaching is my passion and I love helping people change their lives through Real Estate!
What You Get:
✅ Full Beginners Real Estate Investing Course (extremely detailed guide, from noob to profit)
✅ Members actively Share Deals and Resources.
✅ Real community-tested strategies that are working today
✅ Access to my top students who have implemented what I've taught and become successful!
💫 Achieve Financial Freedom Through Real Estate Investing
👉 JOIN NOW & Grow Your Network and Net worth
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SFD Networking Community
Welcome to our Real Estate Networking Community where we gather to help sharpen and encourage each other!
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