Selling Real -Time Reporting Software to Security Owners
By Chris Anderson
When you approach a security company with a product, think of it like writing a prescription.
You're there to improve their business, leveraging your firsthand experience, your empathy — it's as if you've been through 'medical school' for their industry. For the sales folks out there, I understand that grasping the nuances of your clients' needs can be challenging, but it's achievable with time and experience.
Imagine talking to clients eager for information about your software; it's critical to unravel their pain points and the pleasures that drive them to engage with you. It's more than presenting a tool; it's about offering a comprehensive package, including unwavering support and a dedication to customer success.
In my Silvertrac days, the first 20 minutes with a client were sacred. It was a deep dive to discover not just what they wanted, but who they were. The caller could be a busy operations person collecting quotes or the owner directly involved in seeking solutions to streamline their processes — differentiating this was crucial.
It was vital to communicate a profound understanding of their challenges and assure them we were taking baby steps towards a solution. The security business is hectic, and owners often take on more than they can handle. They're seeking relief for pain points that they might not openly acknowledge due to the competitive nature of the market.
Building an emotional connection was my edge. By speaking their language, I stood shoulder to shoulder with them on an even playing field. This wasn't about selling; it was about guiding them through their journey, ensuring they didn't bite off more than they could chew with our product.
I encouraged my team to be people persons, not numbers people. We prioritized being there for our customers, supporting them, and cutting costs where possible. As a security owner myself, I resonated with the trials of purchasing software and yearned for a partner who truly understood my business.
Our approach was comprehensive. We offered time-saving setups, reduced errors, and shared industry insights, contributing to our clients' success far beyond just the software. The trust built from genuinely having the client's best interest at heart was my definition of a true partnership.
For those considering a switch to a new real-time reporting solution or seeking consultation, I advocate for the following principles:
1. Start with a client intake form to understand current issues and future aspirations.
2. Choose a software partner, not just a vendor, who appreciates the confidentiality and competitive essence of your business.
3. A good salesperson is sincere, ready to recommend another product if it's a better fit for you.
4. Post-sale, ensure you're backed by a skilled team and a robust support structure.
5. Assign a dedicated internal team member to liaise with the software provider to ensure a timely and effective implementation.
6. Clarify implementation timelines to avoid financial drains.
7. Resist the urge to implement all features at once; focus on the essentials.
8. Avoid dependency on a single software solution without proper evaluation.
9. Develop a rollout plan with your management team before committing to any software.
10. Involve your field operatives in the decision-making process to ensure the software’s ease of use.
11. Designate a trusted long-term employee to manage software implementation.
12. Beware of long-term contracts that may hinder your agility and responsiveness.
13. Evaluate whether the software benefits both your company and your clients.
14. Be cautious about listing software as an additional cost in security proposals.
15. Ensure both clients and employees are on board before switching software solutions.
Remember, the big picture is not just the per-device cost of running software; it's about overall efficiency, effectiveness, and partnership. Through understanding, support, and a mutual growth mindset, we build not just a client base, but a community within the security industry.
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Chris Anderson
Selling Real -Time Reporting Software to Security Owners
Security Insider Strategies
" I spent 30 years as a private security operator, coach, mentor, teacher. I cofounded Silvertrac Software. I will be sharing everything with you!
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