Dinasty Security Prevents Potential Fire Disaster !
CEO - Manny Chavez Proud of his Team
Subject: Dinasty Security Prevent Potential Fire Disaster through Quick Thinking and Proactive Measures
Two security guards, Kendrick Cerna and Juan Jaime, demonstrated exceptional vigilance and swift action that helped prevent a potential fire disaster at their post on Sunday evening. Their quick thinking and adherence to proper procedures highlight the crucial role of attentive security personnel in maintaining a safe and secure environment.
Kendrick Cerna, upon hearing a suspicious knocking sound around 7:00 pm, trusted his instincts and decided to investigate further. Together with his colleague, Juan Jaime, they assessed the situation, documented it with photographs, and promptly informed their supervisor, Adriana. Following her guidance, they contacted a manager who instructed them to close the doors, ultimately leading to the discovery and containment of the fire before it could escalate.
Meanwhile, Juan Jaime, on foot patrol, noticed the distinct smell of smoke. He immediately alerted Kendrick, and they took the necessary steps to document the incident. After contacting their supervisor and receiving further instructions, they secured the area by opening gates and facilitating their manager's access to the scene. Juan's keen sense of smell and quick response played a vital role in identifying the fire early and taking appropriate precautions.
Both guards commended the support they received from their supervisor, Adriana, and other company officials. They credited their training and situational awareness for preparing them to handle such incidents, even if they were not directly related to typical security issues like break-ins. The company's prompt response and clear instructions enabled them to act decisively and prevent a potentially catastrophic event.
This experience has strengthened the guards' commitment to their roles as security professionals. As Kendrick Cerna stated, "As a guard, you have to be ready for anything." They emphasized the importance of prompt reporting and seeking assistance, acknowledging that delays could have led to a more severe outcome. Both guards expressed gratification in knowing their actions helped protect the client's business and underscored the significance of situational awareness in their work. Juan Jaime added, "Just the gratification I received was enough for me to know it was very important for them. If any of this was not reported, who knows what would've happened."
Kendrick Cerna and Juan Jaime's vigilance, quick action, and practical communication skills were instrumental in averting a potentially devastating fire incident. Their dedication to their roles as security guards exemplifies the importance of proactive security measures in ensuring the safety and security of businesses and individuals alike.
#SecurityHeroes #ProactiveSecurity #SituationalAwareness #FirePrevention
Chris Anderson
Dinasty Security Prevents Potential Fire Disaster !
Security Insider Strategies
" I spent 30 years as a private security operator, coach, mentor, teacher. I cofounded Silvertrac Software. I will be sharing everything with you!
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