Having internal omnipresence out performs posting on every social media platform every day of the week.
Let me explain.
When you focus on being on every platform you lose leverage because it becomes easier to miss comments plus not every platform has a way to directly speak with people who engage. (Just to name a few reasons)
I know this because we sat here for a year and a half and business stagnated.
But then Nina and I started focusing on what was moving the needle the most.
We began hyper focusing on two platforms for top funnel awareness and lead generation.
For us at Scaling Lean its Meta and LinkedIn.
Everything beyond that becomes less focused and unproductive.
Now heres what I mean about creating internal omnipresence.
This is where the magic happens and is HUGELY over looked.
Internal omnipresence means you have automated followup processes that increase your brand awareness on autopilot.
These internal processes strategically place middle and bottom of funnel assets in front of your leads.
And move aware leads deeper into your marketing and sales process.
Put simply it converts aware leads into buyers.
This is how we use internal omnipresence to increase brand awareness.
1. Case study pages
2. Send daily emails
3. Centralize our follow up inside our crm/ in slack to get back to leads and clients asap.
4. Build evergreen value videos and two steps to lead people deeper down our funnel.
5. Text message campaigns
6. Send reminders to important content and live events via email
Internal omnipresence outperforms being on every social platform every day of the week because it builds your brand authority strategically.
It’s most effective because it speaks to hand raisers that have already showed interest in the problem you solve.
So where’s the best place to start building internal omnipresence?
Start by capturing all your leads inside of a crm - or what we call a conversion engine hosted by conversionpro.io.
Then build evergreen assets based around your best client results and top performing content.
Deliver that content to leads that enter your eco system.
Then have a chat with leads that respond with questions.
Provide more value.
Make offers and close.
Simple right?
Drop a comment when you’re ready to stop posting on every social media platform like a maniac and start focusing on building an internal omnipresence machine that converts hand raisers into buyers.
Jonathan Ploransky
Having internal omnipresence out performs posting on every social media platform every day of the week.
Scaling Lean™ | Conversion Pro
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