What's MY Biggest Motivator?
If you are ever wondering:
  • I feel demotivated sometimes
  • Feeling tired and hard to keep taking action
  • Delaying things that should have been done today
Then, you gotta ask yourself:
"What is my biggest motivator?"
For some people, it could be:
  1. family
  2. your loved ones
  3. get out of this painful situation
Why is this important?
If you don't know this, you won't be able to achieve your goals.
It doesn't matter how long. You gotta realize this FIRST.
Remember, in the mindset section, we talked about pain.
People want to overcome pain and achieve their goals.
That is the true motivator.
Your Level 3 pain is about "how others see you" and "how do you see yourself"
Everyone has a different answer.
What's your biggest and deepest motivation?
Drew Budiman
What's MY Biggest Motivator?
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