On the Other End (pls do pls do not do) lol
I missed the roleplay and still having slack issue but pretty sure I have IT solutions in progress for those. Meanwhile I want to be sure to share what I am learning with my fellow esteemed classmates. My normal style is casual story telling but will bullet point here as much as possible. I respect the fact we are all busy and feel free to contact me if you want more story. The book is always better, as they say.
On a sales call after missing roleplay I learned a few things, I was the potential buyer btw.
This is the second time on a call with this person and they had me speak recently with an associate of theirs who helped me make a break through in 15 minutes. We all need to learn how to zero in and move a customer that fast so I will be connecting more with that person and learning from them. I was actually impressed that they have a timer set to their zoom and after 15 minutes they disappear and that's it. I think that was effective in a good way.
Also on things to avoid is the "Now or Never" ultimatum I received "to prove I am serious" so I gave him $100 which he is refunding because that was a chip off the 50% of my take home pay he required next- not just once, but 50% of my take home pay for months into the future, then I learned that the one time price is almost $2k less than the last time we met (curious why) - so I would say avoid sudden price drops and def do not do it to save the sale just don't do it. it made me question the worth of the package overall.
DO understand your clients ability to pay how much and how often to avoid overstepping and be sensitive to their needs in this regard- willing to work with them is fine but PRESSING for an unrealistic payment is not good at all. I was told to take out a loan (overstepping boundaries) and that he could help me make way more than that fast enough to cover the debt (that is pretty much an income guarantee - never good idea), and encouraged to gamble money I need to pay my bills? ahhh, nooo.
Then I was told that he has heard the same old story "wait till I get my ducks in a row " (cliche) and it never happens and that he believes I will "never be ready to make the commitment" effectively telling me I am not qualified financially for his services, give up, and it is a bridge burner- never say things like these, pls.
Finally when we talked about my current job he said "That's why we need to get you out of there" but when I said I want just one client and do well with that one client and then drop down to part time and still be on call- he suddenly remembered and it was like oh ya, you are that lady who is not ready to leave the job, he totally forgot my situation and tried to pigeon hole me and use his scripts on me. I still had notes from our last zoom call and have been following all he offers free since then too. Maybe he should be in this group I wonder because I know we could help him. He acted like a white knight saving me from my terrible life and Dude, women do not need that especially at my age. Do you really want to be anybody's savior? Answering pain points is good but being the answer to their desperate prayers maybe not so good cuz they bring that energy into your biz with them.
We want good reliable clients so let's shine out a good reliable vibe. We are not fearful or desperate- just looking for good wealth partners, eh?
Betsy Daggett
On the Other End (pls do pls do not do) lol
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