How's YOUR performance?
Today's exercise is about SELF REFLECTION.
Read this carefully and comment once you are done.
Let's take a good look at how we're doing in different parts of our lives. Think about:
  • How healthy you are.
  • Your friends and family.
  • How you're doing at work.
  • The way you live.
Guess what?
Many times, making things better doesn't even need money. 💪
Ask yourself:
  • In the gym, are you giving it your all till the very last exercise? Or are you missing days just because you don't feel like it?
  • Are you making time for your family every day? When you're with them, are you really there, or just physically there? Do they feel your love?
  • Is your daily life neat and organized, or are you always fixing small mistakes?
  • At work, are you getting the results you want? Are you really doing the things you tell yourself you'll do?
Many of our troubles can be avoided by choosing the right friends,
using our time wisely, and putting in effort. 🌟
Think about this:
There's always a better way to do things.
Be alert and aware of what's happening around you.
Make a difference in your life.
Don't just let things happen.
Take charge and
THINK about it. 🚀
How's YOUR performance? Comment below. 👇
Drew Budiman
How's YOUR performance?
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