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Fresh Beginnings - Bother ye' for a pint?
Every good journey begins with that of a quest. An objective. An adventure! I'd like us to brainstorm and discuss some of our favorite beginnings of quests, stories, etc. Anything you can think of, post! The more ideas that come together, the better the stories that arise. I'll kick us off: I started my original group, "The Last Quest" at a Tavern, as stated in the Great Book of Tradition. I began introducing characters and immediately, our rogue, Rickity Cricket, decided that he wanted a drink from the bar. The pint was procured, however, his sticky fingers drank it faster than the barkeep could request the tab. Shortly after, he ran out of the Tavern entirely. Thankfully, another one of our players at the time was a bounty-hunter like character. With a couple of rolls, he was able to lasso the rogue on his way out the door, intriguing the rest of the party and thus forming their first bond. From there, they continued on some of the first official quests, and some of those players are still playing with me every Friday evening! Share your stories, introductions, and let us revel in new beginnings!
New comment Oct '24
Fresh Beginnings - Bother ye' for a pint?
The Making Of: The Last Quest
This is a brief snippet of how I make my homebrew maps! If this sort of insight or additional information about what assets I use would interest you, please let me know! Ask me anything about Manglethorn! I'd love to answer your questions as well as grow my DND world in the midst. Thanks!
The Making Of: The Last Quest
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