Fast Start Plan to get Royalties ROLLIN!
We're growin' fast!
I am so happy to mix mojo with you! 馃榿
We've already got 445 Rockstars!
Thank you for being here 馃拫
If you don't have an interview with Oprah this week...
The best way for you to start getting familiar with licensing is by going through New Money from Old Courses and then DOING A DEAL.
Ya can't learn to rock out on guitar by reading a book or watching videos...
You WILL sound horrible at first.
That's okay.
The advantage is that if you understand "renting" real estate...licensing is very similar but way more flexible and fun (IMO)...
Unlike "Stair Way to Heaven"....
Most folks don't know what the "licensing tune" is supposed to sound like!
They won't KNOW if you "missed a chord" or three 馃ぃ
If you already have old stuff you've sold...
馃憠馃憠馃憠Licensing it out to PAST BUYERS is suuuuper fast and easy.
I sent one email last month to a few hundred buyers.
Ya know what happened?
I got 50+ responses.
We've got 6 licensing agreements done!
We did it all in the DMs!
Another recent example:
This weekend...
I polled a group where there are 200 past buyers with a licensing offer.
(LOOK at the attached pic.)
85 interested folks in total.
Licensing is hot.
If there is a less pain in the butt 5 or 6-figure upsell...
I dunno what it is?
Now some Rockstars may think?
But I'm in a B2C niche not in a B2B niche?
That's okay.
First, go thru New Money from Old Courses: Pay special attention to the N.E.E.R. method.
That will work for ANY NICHE ON THE PLANET!
Don't ASSUME there are no business people in your "learn guitar lessons" niche.
teaches guitar.
And I knooooooow for a fact that one of his IDEAL people are BUSINESS DUDES over 40!
Don't assume:-)
It only takes ONE good licensing partner to rock your financial world.
I am off to go make a deal!
Rooting For Ya,
Travis Sago
Fast Start Plan to get Royalties ROLLIN!
A.I. Royalty Rockstars
Turn your courses, content and coaching (life) experience into an investment portfolio that sends you royalty checks for life.
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