Want more Loot? LICENSING not WRITING is the answer...
Take an average copywriter...
They get paid a couple hundie for an email.
I get paid tens of thousands for one email with a hybrid license.
Why write a sales letter for $5k, $10k or whatever...
When I can license it out for $250,000?
I don't even have to write the dang things.
Why create them when...
I can LICENSE them cheap and then SUB-LICENSE them out for a fortune.
I've licensed copy for a one-time payment of $1,000 that brought in royalties for YEARS.
Why take the blood, sweat and tears to create a new course when I can license when TOMORROW.
I've paid as little as a few hundred bucks for a "do-whatever-I want" license and collected six figures of payments.
I can license any type of digital stuff.
From ads to webinars.
How long does it take to create, test and optimize an ad or webinar?
How much money does it take to get them cranking?
Months? Years?
But I can license them today.
If you do it the Rockstar way for CHEAP or even NO money at all.
Licensing is kinda like learning to fish.
If you know how to fish, you'll always eat well.
You don't have to buy the land to build a lake, stock it with fish, wait for them to grow and raise your own worms.
If you know how to fish...
You can get access to all of that stuff TODAY and eat good tonight!
If someone doesn't know how to fish in a world that is now dominated by information and data...
They are at a terrible disadvantage.
People who can't fish have skinny kids.
A copywriter can only write so many emails in a day.
But you can license (rent) the same email in dozens of ways to 100s of people.
And get paid royalties every month.
Rooting for Ya Rockstar,
PS Where do you start? In the classroom right here in Rockstars:-)
Travis Sago
Want more Loot? LICENSING not WRITING is the answer...
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