Licensing Agent VS. Real Estate Agent
Travis just shared how he’s licensing PSM in Germany.
asked a great question in the comments,
in which Travis replied a great answer,
which inspired me to ask AI to list some fun advantages of licensing vs real estate.
Here’s what it gave me…
A heads up, I sense its bias in the answers and in no way did I prompt it that way 😆
Ok, maybe a just a tad.
No offense meant to any RE agents in the group.
1. Infinite inventory - It's like having a magic Xerox machine for houses! You can rent out the same digital property multiple times.
2. No physical maintenance required - No more cleaning up messes or fixing broken stuff. These houses exist in digi land!
3. Higher commissions - You get a bigger slice of the money pie. Typically 30-50% of royalties vs. 5-6% on property sales.
4. Global reach - Not limited to local area. It's like having a teleporter that zaps you anywhere in the world to make awesome deals!
5. Lower barrier to entry - No licensing exams or courses required. You just need to be good at striking up conversations and making deals, like trading baseball or pokemon cards.
6. Easier scalability - You can handle tons of deals without getting super tired.
7. Greater passive income potential - Money keeps coming in even when you're sleeping or playing video games. Royalties can continue for years with little additional work. Make money while you sleep, just like those late-night infomercials promised.
8. Flexibility - You can work from the beach or your treehouse if you want to. Ditch the cubicle farm.
9. No need for large upfront investments - You don't need to break your piggy bank to start. Your brain is your best tool!
10. Opportunity to work with diverse types of intellectual property - You get to play with all sorts of cool ideas, like a treasure chest full of different toys.
11. Potential to create your own IP in the process - Sometimes you might even invent your own cool stuff while working. It's like building with LEGO!
12. Ability to leverage existing relationships and networks - Your friends and family might help you get started. It's like having a team of sidekicks!
13. Can start with little to no experience in the field - You can start even if you've never done it before. It's like learning a fun new game! Or dance! If you can learn the Macarena, you can learn this.
14. Faster deal closure times - Deals happen fast, like racing cars instead of slow turtles.
15. Lower risk - You don't have to worry about real houses falling down or catching fire. Your "houses" are safe in the computer!
Adam Ayer
Licensing Agent VS. Real Estate Agent
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