Fun with Licensing Lingo
Can we make licensing lingo fun?
We can sure try!
1. Intellectual Property (IP):
It's like your brain's garden. The flowers, veggies, and trees you grow there are yours. Some plants (like patents) eventually die off, but others (like trademarks) can live forever if you take care of them.
2. License:
Think of it as lending your favorite toy to a friend. You still own it, but you're letting them play with it for a while.
3. Licensor:
You're the kid with the cool toy, deciding who gets to play with it and when.
4. Licensee:
This is your buddy who's borrowing your toy. They get to use it, but they've got to follow your rules.
5. Royalty:
It's like your friend giving you a piece of their candy every time they play with your toy. The more they play, the more candy you get!
6. Exclusive License:
Imagine you're the only kid in town with a treehouse. An exclusive license is like letting just one friend use it.
7. Non-Exclusive License:
This is more like a public playground. Lots of kids can come and play on the swings at the same time.
8. Sublicensing:
It's like if your friend who borrowed your toy lets their little sister play with it too. They're passing on the permission you gave them.
9. Territory:
Think of it as drawing a chalk circle on the sidewalk. Your friend can play with your toy, but only inside that circle.
10. Term:
It's like a sandcastle at the beach. You can play with it, but when the tide comes in (time's up), it's gone.
11. Trademark:
This is like your signature dance move. When people see it, they know it's you!
12. Copyright:
Imagine you drew a super cool picture. Copyright is like a magic shield that stops others from copying it without asking.
13. Patent:
It's like having the only recipe for the world's best cookies. You'll share how to make them, but nobody else can sell those exact cookies for a while.
14. Fair Use:
This is like being allowed to hum a few notes of a song without getting in trouble. You can use a tiny bit, but not the whole thing.
15. Public Domain:
Think of this as a big toy box in the park. Anyone can play with the toys inside because nobody owns them anymore.
16. Perpetual License:
It's like giving your friend a "Best Friends Forever" bracelet. They get to keep it for as long as they want.
17. Revocable License:
Imagine lending your bike to a friend, but you can ask for it back anytime. That's a revocable license.
18. Irrevocable License:
This is more like giving a gift. Once you've given it, you can't take it back, even if you change your mind.
19. Worldwide License:
It's like telling your friend they can play with your toy anywhere on Earth - even on the moon!
20. Field of Use:
Imagine letting your friend use your colored pencils, but only for drawing animals, not houses. That's a field of use restriction.
21. Derivative Works:
This is like when you tell a story, and your friend makes up a sequel. Their story is new but based on yours.
22. Due Diligence:
It's like checking out a new kid at school before deciding to be friends. You want to know what you're getting into!
23. Infringement:
This is like someone sneaking into your backyard and using your swing set without asking. Not cool!
24. Indemnification:
Imagine saying, "If my dog chews up your shoe while you're watching him, I'll buy you new ones." That's indemnification.
25. Confidentiality Clause:
It's like pinky-swearing not to tell anyone about your friend's secret crush.
26. First Right of Refusal:
This is like promising your best friend they get first dibs on any cool stuff you're giving away.
27. Most Favored Nation:
Imagine telling your friend, "If I give anyone a bigger piece of cake than you, I'll give you more too."
28. Improvements Clause:
It's like deciding who gets to keep the cool stickers your friend put on your skateboard while borrowing it.
29. Escrow:
Think of this as hiding your secret treehouse plans with a trusted friend. If something happens to you, they'll share the plans with the rest of the gang.
30. Moral Rights:
It's like always getting credit for baking the cookies, even if someone else is handing them out at the party.
How's that? Does this make the world of IP licensing feel a bit more down-to-earth and relatable?
Rooting For Ya,
PS Here are some tales and some true licensing adventures:
Travis Sago
Fun with Licensing Lingo
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