Convo Openers Playbook (to wrangle up licensees)
Travis did a loom video giving conversation opener advice to one of our rockstars.
I asked A.I. to organize it into a playbook with ordered steps, if/then scenarios, and examples to follow.
Here's that Playbook:
Step 1: Research Your Target
- Spend at least 10 minutes researching the person and their audience
- Look at their podcast episodes, YouTube videos, or social media content
- Identify specific problems or topics they address
Step 2: Craft a Specific, Attention-Grabbing Opening
- Use a subject line or opening message that references something specific about them
- Make it clear you've done your research and this isn't a copy-paste message
Example script:
"Your unedited videos from Dubai"
Step 3: Provide a Genuine Compliment
- Reference something specific you like about their content
- Keep it brief and authentic
Example script:
"Hey dude, congrats on moving to Dubai. I may be in the minority, but I really love your unedited videos. They seem so much more personal, and I'm getting a lot out of them."
Step 4: Ask a Specific, Easy-to-Answer Question
- Base your question on your research
- Make it something they can answer quickly without much thought
Example script:
"Do your folks in long-distance relationships ever send you those long breakup emails?"
If-then scenarios:
If they say yes: Move to Step 5
If they say no: Adjust your approach based on their response and try another specific question
Step 5: Probe for a Potential Opening
- Ask if they're currently addressing the issue you've identified
- Frame it as an opportunity to help their audience
Example script:
"Is that something you help them with already or plan on helping them with?"
If-then scenarios:
If they say they don't help with it: Move to Step 6
If they say they do help with it: Ask for more details and look for other potential opportunities
Step 6: Offer Value
- Based on their responses, suggest how you might be able to help
- Keep it low-pressure and focused on mutual benefit
Example script:
"I may have a group of people that would be really interested in that. Would it make sense for us to talk and see if it would be worthwhile to put you in touch with them?"
Key Principles to Remember:
1. Be specific - show you've done your research
2. Make your messages impossible to copy and paste
3. Ask easy-to-answer questions that don't require much thought
4. Create openings based on their audience's needs
5. Offer value before asking for anything
By following this playbook and adapting it to each specific situation, A.I. 🤖 says you should be able to open conversations more effectively and increase your chances of moving to the next stage of engagement 😉
Hope this is helpful.
Adam Ayer
Convo Openers Playbook (to wrangle up licensees)
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