Meat Based, GAPS & Gut Club
Private group
41 members
Welcome to Rory's Kitchen Club (working name)
If you enjoy things like:
❤️ Meat
❤️ Biohacking
❤️ Trad Life
❤️ Regen Ag
❤️ Growth
❤️ Entrepreneurship
Then you'll fit right in :)
This is like my own special little hub on the internet for like minded people, and a space where I don't have to be a slave to the algorithm.
Let's grow together!
This is not a space to get a diagnosis or custom health advice – for that we recommend speaking with a qualified practitioner. You’re absolutely welcome to share your concerns, struggles etc – but take any advice with a grain of seasalt.
Anyone who joins is joining with that understanding!
I do have some incredible practitioners that I can recommend and they are in my recommended resources section of this portal.
Meat Based, GAPS & Gut Club
A place for people who have an enjoyment of exploring gaps diet, gut healing, carnivore, eating meat, biohacking, trad life, regen farming etc...
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