I was today years old, when I was lied to about the origins of the name YAHOO! so I asked Perplexity, and now I'm not sure if the truth or the fiction is stranger.
Brian Livingston, writing for the AskWoody newsletter, said that, "Yahoo still has a search engine — and, as the company’s founders said when they first set up their website, You Always Have Other Options." A quick Perplexity search revealed that was not in fact, the case.
"The claim that YAHOO stands for "You Always Have Other Options" is not accurate. The name Yahoo! is actually an acronym for "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle." This phrase was created by the founders, Jerry Yang and David Filo, as a playful reference to the hierarchical organisation of their web directory, which was one of the first popular search engines on the internet"
Now you know :)