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Coaching Call / QNA is happening in 9 days
Time is Money (⏳= 💰)
The effective use of time is essentially is one of the many factors that draws the line between the successful and the unsuccessful. Always try to capitalise from the time that you have. Public transport journeys are a great time to read a book, listen to an informative podcast, or conduct some outreach for your own brand, the opportunities are endless.
How "doing what it takes" looks like
So there is this guy on YouTube. He is a copywriter. And he basically makes a video every week documenting his journey while he is pursuing a goal of making $1k a month from copywriting And the interesting part is.... This guy has been outreaching and searching for clients for 33 weeks! That's more than eight months of consistently putting in the work without getting paid a single dollar during this period! And today he uploaded a video documenting his 34....where he closed a $250 client. The question is... If you were in his place would you do the same? Would you genuinely do it don't just say it? Because during this period he'd probably being getting loads of "logical" very convincing thoughts that's telling him to change path and how " this isn't working" Leave alone what his family friends are saying to him!! This is the kinda things we need to prepare for Hope you found this good. And about the YouTuber his name is Konge you can just search for "Konge copywriting" on youtube
New comment 11d ago
Do you think like this?
Do you think in steps? Step 1 Step 2 … What if I told you this was keeping you poor? Ever since you were a kid someone told you “walk before you run” “Learn then do” All of it is BS. The crap of a 🐂 No rich person takes things one step at a time They try everything at once See what sticks and do more Yes learn first BUT SELL AT THE SAME TIME Yes walk first BUT TRY AND RUN You aren’t where you want to be (probably) so take this advice Move, regardless of direction, just move If you find yourself not reaching out for a role and instead just learning sales You’re going to stay stuck
salam alykim i just dropped a valuable video go ahead check it if your not go subscribe and show some love inshallah if you find it valuble!
As Salam mualekum all sister and brother help me for learn droppshiping
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