Day 4 of trying to get to highest academy level possible in 2025
hello guys, for day 4 i did a bit of playing football with my friend for about 2 hours, after he
left home, i stayed around 1 hour just juggling, kicking it up, practicing first souch from the air and just enjoyed playing.
i seen a bit improvement in just 4 days in my techical ability. i am curently most technical player at my team.
thanks for everybody for support and hope i will get more of support, i support everybody of you all.
i need to ad this for a bit of support:
do you belive in me?
no, you are so bad
no, i just dont
yes, i guess
yeah bro i belive in you!
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Miloš Stevanović
Day 4 of trying to get to highest academy level possible in 2025
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