Be Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
Hey everyone, a little update from me.
I’m currently on a 10 hour coach ride from Bangkok to Chiang Mai - fun! But it’s giving me the time to sit and reflect.
I was discussing comfort zones in my vlog yesterday, but wanted to expand on this a bit further with you all. To truly grow as a person, we have to learn to become comfortable with being uncomfortable.
The comfort zone is a beautiful place - it feels safe and familiar. But let’s be honest, nothing good ever grows there, does it?
Everything we want in life, whether it’s success or fulfillment, lies on the other side of fear. It’s easy to stay where things feel comfortable - I’ve been guilty of this for most of my life.
It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it.
So, if you’re sitting there right now thinking about something that requires you to be uncomfortable and take a risk, just go for it!
What’s the worst that can happen? A life of fulfillment or a life of regret?
Let’s keep supporting each other on this journey!
Regan Stevely
Be Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
Rewire w/ Regan
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